How to come up with a company name

Are you going to start your own business, but don’t have a name yet? Coming up with a business name can be tricky. Read here how to come up with a name!

3 min readFeb 3, 2022
Photo by Jurij Kenda on Unsplash

Coming up with a company name is one of the most important things you have to do if you want to start a business. From your name, customers will recognize who you are and what you do. You also make sure that people know what to look for when they want to reach you. How to come up with a good company name you can read here!

How to come up with a good company name?

Coming up with a business name can be a slow process for some, but others may have it ready to go long ago. But this doesn’t make the name better or worse.

Company name ideas

As mentioned earlier, the process of coming up with a business name is different for every entrepreneur. Having trouble coming up with a business name? Then check out these tips!

Use an abbreviation

There are many companies that use an abbreviation as their business name. Just look at companies like BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) and MTV (Music Television).

Combine words

Perhaps you can combine several words for your company name, such as Netflix (“internet” and “flicks”), Evernote (“forever” and “note”) and Microsoft (“microchip” and “software”)

Use foreign words

You don’t always have to have a Dutch or English company name. For example, you can also look at whether there is a word in Japanese, French or Latin that is interesting for your company.

Use your own name

For your business, you can of course just use your own name. It does not matter if you use your first name (NIKKIE), last name (Disney) or the name of your daughter (Mercedes).

Use a symbol

You can also choose a name based on a symbol. An example is Neutral, a company that makes socially responsible clothing.

Photo by Philippe Oursel on Unsplash

Examples of company names

You probably know them; companies like Disney, Microsoft and Apple. These names are all very well known, but these names are all coined in a different way.


For example, Disney comes from the name Walt Disney, the founder of the company. He coined this name with his brother, Roy Disney, because they founded The Disney Brothers Studio as brothers. This eventually evolved into The Walt Disney Company and now it is mostly known as Disney.


Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. The company is primarily known for developing and selling computer-related things, and that is where its name came from. Microsoft is in fact a combination of the words “microchip” and “software”.


Apple is the least logical company name in this list. When Steve Jobs founded the company, he just couldn’t think of a good company name. He was eating an apple and then resolved that if he and/or his team could not think of a better name by the end of the week, the company would be called Apple.

A company name is important for your business, so make sure you think about it carefully! After all, the name is what customers need to recognize your company by.

Photo by Tobias Röder on Unsplash



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