What is a scale up?

You have startups and scale ups, but when are you which? You’ll find everything you need to know about a scale up in this blog!

2 min readFeb 3, 2022
Photo by Robert V. Ruggiero on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard of it: a scale up. But what exactly is a scale up? You can find everything you need to know about scale ups in this blog!

What is a scale up?

A scale up is a successful startup. Startups are often still struggling and searching for business models and funding. The reason the term scale up was created is because many startups fail; as much as 90%. Scale ups are past the initial stage of excitement and are therefore a successful startup.

When does a startup become a scale up?

A startup only becomes a scale up when you have a business model, enough capital to get started and you can really start growing.

Examples of scale up companies


Google is one of the best known scale up companies in the world. The company started as a startup, but quickly attracted thousands of customers.


Another well-known example is salesforce.com. This company offers various tools and programs that allow you to optimize your customer relationship.


The last example of a scale up is Citrix. This company offers digital workspace technology that allows you to achieve almost anything.

It may seem easy to go from a startup to a scale up, but in practice it can be quite disappointing. Many startups don’t make it. Check out our other blog for more information on startups!

